Machine Vision Inspection Suppliers In China

What is the structure of machine vision system?

Release time:2023-03-27 13:57:31 Viewed:0

We often say that eyes are the window of the human mind, so to install a pair of eyes to the machine, give it the ability to perceive, so that it can understand the world, which is one of the most important links of machine vision as artificial intelligence.

Machine vision system refers to the use of machines instead of human eyes to make a variety of measurements and judgments. Machine vision is a very important research field in the field of engineering and science. It is a comprehensive discipline involving optics, machinery, computer, pattern recognition, picture processing, artificial intelligence, signal processing and photoelectric integration, etc. Its capabilities and application scale are gradually improved and implemented with the development of industrial automation. Among them, the rapid development of mother-child picture sensor, CMOS and CCD camera, DSP, ARM embedded technology, picture processing and pattern recognition technology has strongly promoted the development of machine vision.

Machine vision is a complex system. Because most of the system monitoring objects are moving objects, the matching and coordination of the system and moving objects is particularly important, so it brings strict requirements to the movement time and processing speed of each part of the system. In some application fields, such as robot, flying object guidance and so on, the weight, volume and power consumption of the whole system or a part of the system will have strict requirements.


Structure and working process of machine vision system

A sound machine vision system includes: lighting source, optical lens, CCD camera, picture acquisition card, picture detection software, monitor, communication unit, etc.

The working process of industrial machine vision system is mainly as follows:

1. When the sensor detects that the object being picked up moves close to the shooting center of the camera, the trigger pulse will be sent to the picture acquisition card;

2. The picture acquisition card sends the starting pulse to the lighting system and camera respectively according to the set program and delay;

3. A start pulse is sent to the camera, the camera ends the current photography and starts a new photography, or the camera is in a waiting state before the start pulse arrives, and starts after detecting the start pulse. The camera opens the exposure component (the exposure time is set in advance) before starting a new photography; Another starting pulse is sent to the light source, whose turning time needs to match the camera's exposure time; The camera scans and outputs a picture;

4. The picture acquisition card receives the signal and digitizes the analog signal through A/D conversion, or directly receives the digital video data digitized by the camera;

5. Picture acquisition card stores digital pictures in the computer's memory;

6. Machine vision processes, analyzes and recognizes pictures to obtain detection results;

7, processing results control the action of the pipeline, positioning, correcting the error of the movement, etc.

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