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What are the advantages of visual inspection equipment that can not be compared with manual inspection?

Release time:2023-03-22 11:16:15 Viewed:0

In today's technology continues to develop, the use of some products, can bring us good results, visual inspection equipment is one of them, it is very common in modern industrial production, visual inspection equipment can better detect errors in the production process, can better detect the quality of the product, improve the efficiency of industrial production and the degree of automation of production, and will improve the accuracy of industrial production, making the process of work faster and save time, while the manual detection but a higher error rate, so what are the advantages of visual inspection equipment is manual detection than it?

First, high detection efficiency

With the rapid development of industrial automation, the production efficiency is greatly improved, which puts forward higher requirements for the detection efficiency. Manual detection efficiency is in a fixed range and cannot be greatly improved. In the process of repeated and mechanized detection in the pipeline, detection personnel are prone to fatigue, which leads to reduced detection efficiency. And visual detection equipment can detect products faster, especially in the production line to detect high-speed moving objects, visual detection machine can improve the detection efficiency, the speed can even reach ten to twenty times artificial.

Two, high detection accuracy

Due to the physical limitations of the human eye, even if it relies on a magnifying glass or microscope to detect products, it will be affected by the subjective aspect, the accuracy can not be guaranteed, and the standards of different detection personnel will also be different; Machine vision inspection equipment has obvious advantages in accuracy, its accuracy can reach one thousandth of an inch. And the visual detection machine is not subject to subjective control, as long as there is no difference in parameter Settings, multiple machines with the same configuration can maintain the same accuracy.

Three, good repetition

The machine can complete the inspection work in the same way again and again without getting tired; In contrast, manual, repetitive testing over a long period of time is sure to produce fatigue, and the product will be slightly different each time it is tested, even if the product is exactly the same.

Fourth, good objectivity

Manual detection will inevitably appear fatigue, at the same time, there is a fatal defect, is the subjective emotion, detection results will change with the detection of the mood of the good or bad; And the machine vision detection machine has no happiness, sorrow, joy, it brings the detection results naturally more objective and reliable.

Five, the detection cost is lower

The early investment of visual inspection equipment will be more, but it is a one-time investment, long-term output, because the development of visual inspection is more and more rapid, the price will gradually reduce; While manual detection requires long-term investment, and the labor and management costs will be rising. Since machines are much more efficient than manual inspection, visual inspection costs will be lower in the long run.

6. Adapt to harsh and dangerous environment

Visual detection machine is through the image uptake device to convert the target into image signals, transmitted to the special image processing system, in the process of measuring the workpiece, without contact with the workpiece, so can adapt to the harsh dangerous production environment, but also will not cause contact damage to the workpiece; While manual contact detection with the workpiece is needed, because it cannot cope with the harsh dangerous environment, and in the detection process, it will inevitably cause contact damage to the workpiece.

Vii. Digitalization

All measurement data generated in the process of visual inspection can be copied independently or by network connection, so as to facilitate statistics and analysis in the production process. At the same time, the specified measurement data can be exported after measurement and generated reports, without manual addition, which is undoubtedly much better than manual detection of data statistics.

8. Information integration

The visual inspection machine can complete the measurement of the contours, dimensions, appearance defects, product height and other technical parameters of the products to be inspected at one time through the multi-station measurement method; In the face of different detection contents, manual detection can only be completed through multi-station cooperation and coordination, while different employees have different detection standards, which is very easy to occur false detection.

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