Machine Vision Inspection Suppliers In China

Based on human eye detection, the advantages of machine vision detection

Release time:2023-03-21 13:47:17 Viewed:0

With the development of economy, the speed of factory production can not meet the human needs, the shortcomings of human detection gradually enlarged, can not be very accurate detection parts and equipment, at this time, the advantages of machine vision detection gradually enlarged. Based on human eye detection, the advantages of machine vision detection are mainly as follows:


Quality, omission rate, human eye detection with the increase of working time, quality, will first decline, the omission rate will gradually increase. But machine vision detection will not appear this kind of problem, as long as you write good things in the algorithm, every time will be carefully executed, so as to greatly improve the quality, leakage rate.

Low cost, the cost consumption of machine vision detection is very low, can greatly save cost, relative to the cost of labor, relatively lower, and, a machine vision detection equipment can work for many years, in the long run, is very convenient and cost-effective.

Efficiency is improved. The rapid development of industrial automation has greatly improved the production efficiency and put forward higher requirements for the detection efficiency. The efficiency of manual detection is in a fixed range and cannot be greatly improved. In the process of repeated mechanical inspection, it is easy to appear fatigue, which reduces the detection efficiency. Machine vision inspection can detect products more quickly, especially on the production line. When detecting fast moving objects, machines can improve the detection efficiency, even up to 10-20 times faster.

Go digital. All measurement data generated in the process of machine vision work can be copied independently or in the way of network connection to facilitate the statistics and analysis of the production process. At the same time, the specified measurement data can be exported after measurement and generated reports, without manual addition, which is undoubtedly much better than manual detection of data statistics.

Therefore, machine vision detection, to a great extent, can solve a lot of problems encountered in human detection, greatly facilitating the problem of work.

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