Machine Vision Inspection Suppliers In China

Machine vision systems, the eyes of industrial robots

Release time:2023-03-21 11:26:21 Viewed:0

The real purpose of industrial automation is to replace part of human operation with highly intelligent industrial robots. Obviously, if you want intelligent robots to replace human work well, the first thing to do is to let them see, therefore, machine vision system, into the eyes of industrial robots, can judge the work well, so as to be able to solve some problems intelligently and sensitively.


Therefore, machine vision system is naturally very important, it can replace the human eye for measurement and recognition. Machine vision system can absorb the policy into image signals through machine vision products, that is, the drawing device, the shape information obtained by the special image processing system is transferred to the digital signal display information, such as pixel distribution, brightness, color, and then perform a variety of different operations on the drawing system. Then, based on the discriminant results, the policies used to manipulate the features extracted from these signals are applied to the operation of the device.

Machine vision systems are widely used. It has four main functions:

First, guidance and positioning and visual determination

The machine vision system is required to be able to quickly and accurately locate the component under test and identify its orientation. Machine vision positioning is used for loading and unloading to guide the manipulator to grasp accurately. In the field of semiconductor packaging, the device needs to adjust the pickup head according to the chip position information obtained by machine vision to accurately pick up and bind the chip. This is the most basic application of visual positioning in the machine vision industry.

Two. Appearance inspection

In the production line, the product quality inspection, which is the most manual replacement. In the field of machine vision medicine, its main test contents include scale detection, bottle shape defect detection, bottle shoulder defect detection, bottle mouth detection, etc.

Three, high precision detection:

Some products have high precision, up to 0.01-0.02 meters or even u grade. The human eye cannot perceive the need for a machine to accomplish.

Four, identification

Is the use of machine vision systems to process, analyze and understand pictures to identify various forms of goals and purposes. It can realize the tracking and collection of data, and is widely used in automotive parts, food, medicine and other fields.

In short, machine vision systems are characterized by flexibility and automation of the production process. First of all, machine vision is often used to replace artificial vision in some dangerous working environments that are not suitable for human work industries, or in cases where artificial vision is difficult to meet the requirements. In the process of large-scale industrial production, the product quality is required and the precision is not high. Machine vision system can be used. Machine vision inspection method can greatly improve the production efficiency and automation degree. Machine vision is easy to complete information integration and is the ultimate skill of computer integrated production.

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