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Automotive fastener testing solutions

Auto fastener testing equipment• Surface detection: detection of wheel crack, flange compression dam

Products Introduction

Auto fastener testing equipment

• Surface detection: detection of wheel crack, flange compression damage, whether there is thread

• Size test: Test total number and height of steps, number of teeth, thread bottom/middle/outside diameter.

I. Detection content of auto fastener defect detection equipment

Auto fasteners long screws defect detection mainly test product shell size, wheel crack, scratch, etc., the specific content includes:

1, surface detection: detection wheel crack, flange pressure injury, whether there is thread.

2, size detection: detection of total height and step height, tooth number, thread bottom/middle/outside diameter.

3. Appearance detection: detect hexagon and tooth injury.

Ii. Product description of auto fastener defect detection

With the rapid growth of manufacturing industry, the problem of product quality is becoming more and more prominent. Ordinary manual detection, has been unable to meet the requirements of consumer quality, the use of machine vision system, the assembly line can be a variety of shapes, sizes of parts for high precision measurement, detection of surface defects can not be clearly distinguished by the human eye.

Three, the main characteristics of auto fastener testing equipment

1, high precision, full automation, objective, non-contact.

2. Fast, real-time, accurate and efficient.

3, simple installation, easy operation, scalability.